Boundless data for future research?

Hi all,

Enjoying everyone’s posts so far.

This post links in with Charmaine’s post about PE Geek and Coach’s Eye Apps. These apps are just some of the few options out there at the moment tailored to physical exercise and health. Actually, it was a little uncanny that just as Charmaine was posting about this topic that it appeared in the news this morning. The news report coincided with the release of the brand new, guru swamy, Apple iWatch though argued that Apple’s ‘ResearchKit’ will be the true legacy for the company, and rightfully so in my opinion. In terms of the evolution of technology it’s up there with the 3D printer. The research kit is an open source software platform that can collect data regarding your health.

This sort of platform could also be utilised in the HPE classroom. Quite a lot of students have iPhones/smartphones these days. An ‘assess your health and the health of your class’ unit could utilise this platform/s with regards to activity in class, home, school hours among countless other variables that could be included in the data. All that’s required is to select a suitable app! I can truly see this going somewhere in the very near future.

Now all I have to do is convince my future colleagues that their students really do need their phones in class!



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