Week 3 with EDC

Mr Pugsley loves his podcast’s

Hi all,

I’m trying really hard to come up with titles to new blogs that rhyme.

At the end of the learning path for this week we covered off on ICT projects that would enhance learning relative to your context. Well, my context is Modern History and I was looking for something that wasn’t too ‘out there’ and easy to use. I found this one fit my requirements the best. It’s basically a podcast ‘how to’. I figure it could be used similar to the ‘way stations’ we’re currently doing with EDC. The site also suggests that students keep a podcast log of lesson points (using a recording device and possibly in the last 2 minutes or so of class), questions, glossary meanings etc. for referencing during homework. Also, the students grade each others podcasts at the end of the term/semester as a formative/summative assessment. How good is that!



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